welcome to phronesis

Phronesis Consultancy Ltd offers specialist expertise and professional advice within the higher education sector.  Our consultancy helps to develop and support research, curricula and fundraising within educational institutions.

We work with higher education bodies that are looking consolidate and expand their repertoire, and need strategic help and support for achieving their goals.

We also work with boards of governors in schools, charities and faith-based organisations (e.g., churches, training courses, colleges, educational programmes, etc.). Phronesis Consultancy Ltd draws its expertise from a very select pool of academics, senior-level leadership and practitioners.

Phronesis was the ancient Greek term for wisdom or intelligence relevant to practical action in particular situations, including the exercise of good judgment, together with fostering excellence in character and values. Phronesis Consultancy Ltd is committed to developing individuals and institutions in wisdom, self-awareness, research, good practices, virtues and education.


our work

As Consultants, we will help you to think through your situation, context, challenges and opportunities.

We bring decades of experience and wisdom to our work, and have learned through failure, success, trial, error, time and study. Our Consultants bring academic, practical, real-world and reflective expertise to situations, rooted in our professional backgrounds. We offer a diligent, dedicated and discreet service for clients who need to progress, make changes, evolve and reform the orientation and operation of their work.

You can contacts us at: enquiries@phronesisltd.com


This book takes religion, politics and society as basic categories and explores how oft-overlooked issues are in fact highly significant for the shaping of theological and ecclesiological horizons.

One of the most interesting voices in the Academy and the Church today is Martyn Percy. Percy, the Dean of Christ Church Oxford and a leading voice in the Anglican Communion, is both theologically orthodox, yet deeply unconventional.

what is phronesis?